IWAA General Newsletters 

June 2023 

August 2023 

December 2023 

IWAA Aged Care & NDIS Newsletters 

February 2024

Annual Reports


CAMS Community Education & Awareness Program “Elders Rights & Empowerment” – May 2024 

On Thursday, 9 May 2024 our CAMS Team were pleased to host a CAMS community education and awareness program titled ”Elders Rights & Empowerment”.

We had presentations from IWAA and Barbara Struthers of ADA Community Legal Service; covering everything from:

  • the status of Elders in faith and culture
  • understanding what is elder abuse and mistreatment
  • how one can help, and
  • how elders can protect their own rights from a legal perspective.The program was very well received by attendees, audience, which comprised of approximately 50-60 men and women, most of them elders or their carers. Farsi translations were provided by IWAA staff member Fatemah which proved extremely beneficial in our program delivery and audience engagement.


Staff Dinner – December 2023   

In December 2023 IWAA hosted a staff dinner at the Runcorn Tavern where we enjoyed beautiful food and had a chance to catch-up with colleagues and celebrate 2023. We were fortunate enough to have a photographer attend the event and we have shared some photos below. To access the entire album, please click the link below.  

See the full Gallery

IWAA Staff Dinner
IWAA Annual EOY Dinner
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