Our Services

Domestic & Family Violence

IWA Australia offers a support service known as Salam Safe House (SSH). SSH provides a refuge for women by offering mobile support and health and wellbeing services to women and children from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds who are experiencing Domestic and Family Violence.

Settlement Engagement & Transition Services (SETS)

The goal of the Program is to support and empower refugees and new migrants to address their settlement needs in order to improve social participation, economic well-being, independence, personal well-being and community involvement.

Cottage Respite

The Salam Respite Cottage provides day and/or overnight respite to carers of older people, people with dementia or young people with a disability.

Aged Care

IWA is an experienced provider of In-Home and Respite Aged Care services. With over 150 Home Care Employees proficient in over 30 different languages, we provide services to those with:

  • Home Care Package (HCP)
  • Commonwealth Home Services Program (CHSP).
NDIS Disability

Need assistance understanding the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) or coordinating your care plan? We can help.

Community Development

IWA Australia is funded to provide several community projects. Our leading project is the Community Action for a Multicultural Society (CAMS) Program which started in 2015.


IWA is a not-for-profit organisation aiming at providing a wide range of services to the community. With a specialist focus on delivering services to the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse community. IWAA provides Aged Care, Disability Support Services, Community Development, and Settlement Support Services through the receipt of funding from the State and Federal Government. Visit our ‘About’ page to learn more.


Numbers of Employees
Our caring staff is from different countries to help you.
No. of languages our staff speak

Our staff can communicate with you in your own language.


Staff Dinner – December 2023   

In December 2023 IWA Australia hosted a staff dinner at the Runcorn Tavern where we enjoyed beautiful food and had a chance to catch-up with colleagues and celebrate 2023. We were fortunate enough to have a photographer attend the event and we have shared some photos below. To access the entire album, please click the link below.  

See the full Gallery

IWAA Staff Dinner
IWAA Annual EOY Dinner

Safety Exit

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